BACP Accreditation is a benchmark standard for qualified therapists and a milestone achievement in your career. Put aside your fears & procrastination and get ready to apply easily and with confidence.

BACP Accreditation Mentoring

Accreditation schemes aim to recognise the achievement of high standards of knowledge, experience and development in counselling and psychotherapy.” (BACP)

Going for accreditation is a hurdle which many therapists can put off for months or even years. You may be under pressure from your employer to become accredited or be frustrated by doors kept shut to you in private practice. But procrastination, fearful thinking and general confusion about the process can make you delay.

Just like our clients reach out for support, you may need some help in starting your application process and pushing through until you have achieved your goal.

Whatever your therapeutic approach, Accreditation Mentoring can help you:

  • Access tailored 1:1 support from an experienced mentor
  • Acknowledge your personal obstacles to applying and find ways to move past them
  • Overcome doubts, peer fear and those horrible feelings of not knowing where to start or how to keep going
  • Talk through your answers to tease out your knowledge and help shape your reflective answers
  • Create a plan with SMART deadlines to keep you moving through from start to finish
  • Have your own cheerleader offering motivation, reassurance and guidance throughout

The Process

  • Get clarification on The Admin Section Parts A – F including how to list your training, practice hours and current diary log.
  • Reflective Practice Criterion 1 Current Way of Working is where you give details of your theoretical model, the interventions you use and how you adapt these to different settings or clients. Criterion 1 is the foundation for the next question where you showcase your work with case material.
  • Reflective Practice Criterion 2 Case Material is where you bring your work to life using carefully chosen case material. You are demonstrating that the way you work is effective, ethical and in line with the model you are trained to work in.

Book a free consultation to see how accreditation support can help you transform this process from daunting and fearful to straightforward and manageable. Job done!

NB – this service is only available for the BACP accreditation process. We are not working with other professional bodies at the moment, and are only offering support for the accreditation process, not the senior scheme.

Book your free 15 minute consultation

If you would like help with a deferral re-submission or with the new scheme please feel free to get in touch to see how we can help you get the result you want.

Packages and Fees

Accreditation is a one-off step in your career and it is worth investing to get the best result first time. For all our services we are reading over 6000 words for your written submission and checking them against the BACP criteria to provide detailed feedback.

Start to Finish

Step by step guidance through the whole process with a 1hr (or 2 x ½ hours) zoom call and email follow up. Includes a copy of the Complete BACP Application Guide e-book.

£350 paid in full at the start, or in instalments.

Fast Track

Fast Track is for you if you want to get your application done quickly (within a month) with intensive support via zoom and with detailed email feedback. Includes a copy of the Complete BACP Application Guide e-book.

£500 paid in full at the start, or in instalments.


Make sure you get your deferral re-submission right with specific support. Either under the old scheme (pre October 23) or the new one.

£150 for detailed email feedback, additional costs for zoom meeting. 

Complete Draft Read-Through Service

A read-through service of your draft answers for Criteria 1 & 2.

£150 for email feedback, additional costs depending on how many revisions are needed.

£200 for 1/2hr zoom call with email feedback, additional costs depending on how many revisions are needed.

Bespoke Advice

Book a one-off zoom session for an in-depth discussion of any aspect of the process including:

  • Defining your current theoretical model
  • Showing how you integrate your core training and CPD
  • Demonstrating adaptations to different settings, presentations and client groups
  • How to manage your time and set goals
  • Overcoming mental obstacles and procrastination
  • Sense checking your ideas.
  • Working collaboratively with your supervisor

£100 per hour or £50 per half hour.

Please Note:

All these services are only available for the BACP accreditation process. We are not working with other professional bodies at the moment, and are only offering support for the accreditation process, not the senior scheme. 

We have a very high success rate for helping therapists complete accreditation but there are always exceptions. The transition scheme is new so there may be teething problems within the assessment process. We will do everything we can to ensure you are successful first time around and can offer support if you are deferred on one or more criteria.

Ethics & Honesty

Our support service is fully in line with BACP guidance and their honesty policy. The accreditation submission is your work, written about your practice, in your own words. You will not be told what to write, given templates to work to or be offered any text to include. It is not in your best interests to accept any support which goes against the BACP guidance:

We ask that all your work in your application is your own unless you have fully acknowledged and referenced this. We take collusion and plagiarism very seriously and we monitor applications to ensure this does not happen. We know that colleagues and friends will work together on applications, and we do encourage this, however, sharing of work, copying or working to templates is outside both the spirit and the application of the Ethical Framework.

Our service is not endorsed by the BACP or any other organisation or group so the support you receive falls under mentoring where colleagues can work together. 

Take a look at our 5* Client Reviews

Are you ready for private practice?

Our profession is in changing times. Are you ready to make a change? If you are thinking of setting up your own practice but aren’t sure where to start or how to make that transition, My Private Practice offers comprehensive support to take away the fear factor and get you up and running, ready to see your first fee-paying client.

For more information or to book a free 15-minute consultation.