This guide takes you through each of the six questions of Criterion 9, helping you to mirror your answers with Criteria 8, understand what each of the specific questions is asking for and how to use your case material to showcase your work.
Criterion 9: Practice & Use of Supervision
Criteria 9 is the biggest section of the accreditation form at 3000 words. You are using case material to describe the way you practice with clients. In Criteria 8 Knowledge and Understanding you wrote about this in theory, and in this section, you are showing it in action.
The question is broken down into six parts:
- 9.1 How your practice is consistent with your described way of working (as described in 8.1)
- 9.2 How you use your self-awareness in the therapeutic relationship
- 9.3 How your practice demonstrates your awareness of issues of difference and equality and the impact they have on your counselling/psychotherapy relationships
- 9.4 Use of the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions
- 9.5 Describe the awareness you have gained through reflection in and on supervision
- 9.6 Show how you apply that awareness in your practice.
Criteria 9 is one where a lot of people come unstuck so in this guide we will go through each question step-by-step. We start by helping you to decide which is the right case material because if you choose carefully, the rest will flow more easily. We then break down each question to explore what is being asked and consider ways that you can use your case material to write your answers.
Criteria 9 can feel daunting but it is your chance to showcase your work in action. With easy to understand explanations, including examples, this guide will help you break it down into manageable sections so you can put aside the worrying and set about writing your best answer.
NB As Criteria 8 and 9 need to match each other exactly, you may want to consider buying our guide to Criteria 9 or the Combined Guide to 8 & 9 together.
This is for guidance only and, in line with BACP policy, is not a template for writing your own submission.